A recent episode of the Planet Money podcast about the troubled Italian economy opened with some rather sticky hiphop, which on investigation turned out to be the wildly popular (in Italy) and as far as I can tell unknown (in the US) rapper from Le Marche Fabrizio Tarducci, detto Fabri Fibra:
Pistole in macchine – in Italia
Macchiavelli e Foscolo – in Italia
I campioni del mondo sono – in Italia…
Benvenuto – in Italia
Fatti una vacanza al mare – in Italia
Meglio non farsi operare – in Italia
Non andare all’ospedale – in Italia
Sei nato e morto qua
Sei nato e morto qua
Nato nel paese della mezza verità…
He turns out to be pretty damn good! There’s a lot going on in these songs, in the prolific machine-gun like text, in the music, in the rhythm of the delivery. The best of these tracks (especially on the 2010 disc Controcultura) continuously surprise and delight with inner rhymes and dissonances, missed and doubled beats, overdubbed layers that shift the text in and out of focus, sibilant or percussive syllables that seem to emerge as an instrument in their own right. Maybe there’s recent American rap this good? I’m not sure, but it seems like this deserves some exploration.
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