
wiveliscombe recipe

The dust con­sist­ed of 2 cups of flour, 2 tea­spoons of bak­ing pow­der, and 1 tea­spoon of sug­ar pre­mixed.  The added crys­tals are ½ tea­spoon of salt.  “Very hot” con­ven­tion­al­ly means 450–500F.

This recipe was adapt­ed from the Aus­tralian Women’s Week­ly cook­ing class cook­book (1992 reprint) for Eliot’s birth­day trea­sure hunt with Ali, Flo­ra and Ruby.  But I for­got a step: brush the scones with milk before putting them in the oven.  Also, cut­ting them into much small­er discs using a cham­pagne flute works even bet­ter than the usu­al 2” size (or the dread­ed Amer­i­can scone at 4”+).  Luck­i­ly, indige­nous exper­tise was on hand to cor­rect these erra­ta and ensure a mas­ter­ful result.

The real Wivelis­combe, though cho­sen pure­ly for its name, is a rather cute look­ing town of 2,670 souls in Som­er­set:


Thanks to Barak for his cameo in step F.

wiveliscombe treasurehunt materials

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