On the subject of things that land precisely on the beat, I’ll mention Rudy’s Barbershop. There are 7 in Seattle, 5 in LA and 2 in Portland. Thanks to Abra for turning me on to these guys.
My opinion of hair salons has been low. Very low. But three things have changed all that:
- my new life-simplifying hairstyle is a uniform 3mm buzz, head and face;
- Rudy’s will refresh this haircut* at more or less any time of day, in 15 minutes flat, with no appointment; and
- Rudy’s looks, feels and operates like a chromed and upholstered cultural artifact from 1967. They even appear to charge in 1967 dollars.
(*It turns out that an extremely short cut needs more frequent refreshing than a long one, due to Weber’s Law of Hair. So the confluence of factors is fortunate. At once per couple of weeks, I’ve had more haircuts in the past two months than in the previous four years.)
I took the shots below at the Ballard Rudy’s, which I think is especially beautiful, with its scarred wood floors and white tile. There’s a bar connected, for busy times I suppose, or après-cut.
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