panorama madness

Super pleased by the recep­tion of the Pho­to­synth app.  We’ve blown through a mil­lion down­loads, and we’re five stars now in the app­store, with about 900 rat­ings in the first four days:

Fatjack1 writes, “AmaZ­ing / My head asplode!”  “Holy Sh*t!” adds Alphawolf333.  “Unbe­liev­able / Would eas­i­ly pay for this”, writes Chil1swaggtapejuic3, which is sure­ly the high­est com­pli­ment in the soft­ware busi­ness these days.. espe­cial­ly when Ban­jokei­th quan­ti­fies, “Eas­i­ly worth $5”!  It’s fun­ny how Apple, of all com­pa­nies, has done more to com­modi­tize the soft­ware busi­ness than the Free Soft­ware Foun­da­tion ever did.  Makes me a bit nos­tal­gic.  Guess there’s no point to crack­ing soft­ware any­more when the killerest of apps, fruit of count­less hours of pas­sion, skill, cre­ativ­i­ty and lost sleep, cost less than a caffe lat­te.

Snark aside, I’m feel­ing very proud of the team, and it makes me very hap­py that we’ve made some­thing peo­ple are in love with.  I’m espe­cial­ly chuffed to see many users (and panora­mas being shared) out­side the US.


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