Super pleased by the reception of the Photosynth app. We’ve blown through a million downloads, and we’re five stars now in the appstore, with about 900 ratings in the first four days:
Fatjack1 writes, “AmaZing / My head asplode!” “Holy Sh*t!” adds Alphawolf333. “Unbelievable / Would easily pay for this”, writes Chil1swaggtapejuic3, which is surely the highest compliment in the software business these days.. especially when Banjokeith quantifies, “Easily worth $5”! It’s funny how Apple, of all companies, has done more to commoditize the software business than the Free Software Foundation ever did. Makes me a bit nostalgic. Guess there’s no point to cracking software anymore when the killerest of apps, fruit of countless hours of passion, skill, creativity and lost sleep, cost less than a caffe latte.
Snark aside, I’m feeling very proud of the team, and it makes me very happy that we’ve made something people are in love with. I’m especially chuffed to see many users (and panoramas being shared) outside the US.
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